Aloe vera cured my dog's seizures!

Aloe Vera is a MIRACLE PLANT. It is loaded with vitamins and mineral, boosts the immune system, cures diseases and prevents …


  1. Just trying this tonight April 2, 2023.
    12 1/2 year-old Shih Tzu with heart disease and collapsed trachea having seizures and cannot figure out why and they are getting worse. We are willing to try anything as long as we know it will not hurt our baby. I will keep people updated.

  2. I was here before about the aloe but now I'm back again! Just wanted to ask this question: I (against my better judgment) gave my 3 yr old dog his 2nd rabies jab 1 month ago. Fyi…I'm anti jab since CVD. With that said I was fearful of walking my 3yr old GSD with other dogs more commonly being off leash and God forbid something were to happen? They'd take him away and hold him, possibly Vax themselves, if he wasn't vaxxed. So…got him rabies shot #2. 2 weeks later, seizure #1 and 2 weeks later, seizure #2. I'm BESIDE myself, I feel like the worst dog mom ever. Will definitely go to this as hopefully a help but would you also recommend a hemp/cbd oil as well? My heart aches for what I've done to him💖 Please give me your opinion??

  3. I have a 4 lb pup with seizures every two weeks. I saw you have a small one too. How much would you give to your small one? I 🙏 this works. Nothing else has

  4. I really hope this works for my dog, his been on Epiphen for almost two years and still has seizures quite regularly I find it so weird I looked for hours/days/weeks for anything to help but this never showed up too me till now after two years, Just ordered pure aloe vera juice and gonna check in the florist tomorrow to see if they have any leaves

  5. It's so interesting to hear you and all these people in the comments talk about aloe vera with such success stories. My dog is 3 years old and had his second seizure a couple of days ago. As I've started looking into using aloe, I can't help but find everywhere online that the plant is mildly toxic to dogs???

  6. I was looking for the Aloe Vera information and found yours. My dog turned15 this year and started having seizures. I started with CBD oil and it has helped. He has tumors though. One has taken his bottom row of teeth. The Vet doesn't recommend putting him under anesthetics at his age. Hopefully the Aloe will give me some more time with him. Hope you dogs are well in 2021.

  7. My chihuahua has recently been prescribed medication for her seizures . She was having cluster seizures but I would rather give her aloe Vera instead of the meds since they make her drowsy . Anyway I can transfer from medicine to aloe Vera safely ??

  8. My dog had seizures. I gave him aloe Vera and he still died. Then I saw videos on how aloe Vera have a yellow slime that is poisonous. That it should be removed. I didn’t. Now I randomly wonder if I helped kill my dog not knowing.

  9. Hello, Stacy. My 10 year old dog Cain has been having seizures every since he was diagnosed with IVDD. Now it’s daily and the medication is not working. I just bought a plant. I hope this works. Thank you so very much.

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