HIGH PROTEIN VEGAN BREAKFAST RECIPES | tasty, filling, nutrient dense

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  1. After watching the new netflix docseris " You are what you eat – twin experiment" and Seaspiracy I AM DONE! When they even mentioned SLAVERY connected eith fishing don't have to tell me twice as a black woman…..time to subscribe

  2. I don't like eggs in general, but love chickpeas so I'm really excited to make this 'omelette' 😊 Thank you for making the plant based jorney easier for all of us❤

  3. These look great! I didn't know about "chewing" your smoothie to help with its digestion. It makes sense as often I feel bloated for a long period after having a smoothie. It's a great tip that I'll be incorporating into my eating regime.

  4. Thank you! I've never been a fan of carb heavy breakfasts because of my diabetes which makes it difficult to consider what to eat for breakfast while plant based, but you have given me a great launching point for creativity with the omelet!

  5. I love your videos, so healthy and classy! I'm starting on WFPB (whole foods plant based) eating so would love some of those recipes. Also sorghum, flax and hemp. Thank you for all you do!

  6. Baby J isnt a baby anymore 🥹 what a sweetie and that dress is so darling. Cant wait to try the omelette and the pancakes! My new year's intention is to eat more protein so this was super helpful.

  7. i love your recipes but i feel like your videos come across as cold because they all have a gray/blue tint to it. i feel like color-grading to include some warmth would be a good idea. just a suggestion. thanks for all your creativity and hard work over the years on this channel ❤

  8. I used to make smoothies all the time, I've got to get back into that. I'm really interested in trying these recipes. The scrambled tofu enchiladas you came out with several years ago is one of the best dishes I've ever tasted. I made the tortillas myself, so it was especially good.

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