1. Thank you for being so candid and courageous. Good on you! It is your life, your body and your choice. Plus it’s deservedly legal and it obviously helps. Thanks for sharing.

    You opened my eyes to things i had not considered.

  2. In my state it’s legal. I started taking edibles about a month ago, about two hours before bed and it’s made a world of difference for my adhd the next day. I don’t have all this stuff going on in my brain and anxiety that stops me from getting things done. I don’t have the usual morning depression, inwardness and lack of energy I usually have. I feel like I’m living. I feel like it’s cured me. I used to have all this sadness for the way my life had gone and it’s no longer there. I can accept my fate.

  3. It would seem to me that cannabis CVD, or things like GABA or benzodiazepines, blue lotus, blue pea flower, Rhodiola, valerian, camomile, valerian, lavender, nutmeg, and American ginseng could help in the evening to help you relax or get to sleep or could help alleviate some of the side effects of stimulant or anti-hypersomnia type ADHD medications and other amphetamines used for ADHD, if used moderately in conjunction with stimulants. But since ADHD usually involves executive functioning problems and dissociation, and cannabis usually increases executive distinction and tendency for dissociation, improvement with THC-containing cannabis products alone would be classified as a paradoxical reaction. But as paradoxical reactions are not super rare and as depression and anxiety BPD, PTSD, and CPTSD as well as dissociative disorders can be comorbid with or misdiagnosed as ADHD this does make a lot of sense. Also, CBD products are like cannabinol system modulators, so they could actually be expected to possibly alleviate ADHD symptoms.

  4. Really happy to find this–

    I'm 34, a dad, unstable career, and a very loving wife and fam lol >.< Diagnosed at 30. Everything started to make sense once I actually accepted it by 31ish.

    Was using amphetamines like Aderall, Concerta, Dexedrine on-and-off since age 20-21 in college for focus problems. Great for the first week, then the side effects break in. Never lasted a year on any med. Finally got diagnosed, then prescribed Vyvanse. None of the previous side effects showed up, to my knowledge. But my productivity was only really good in the first week. But I will be upping the dose and giving it another trial.

    I have been using cannabis for the last 2 years to manage my ADHD/anxiety etc. It hasn't been with a doctor, but at my own accord — (just another big freedom we enjoy in Canada lol)– I've experimented with gummies, tinctures, gel pills, vape, and smoking.

    I've extensively researched cannabinoids and terpenes (mostly cannabinoids), and would do tests with them. I'm still figuring out what works and what doesn't for me. My latest is a cannabis gel pill that is 50mg CBD, 20mg CBN, and <3mg THC. I could swear the onset feels like 5+mg THC–makes me wonder if the high CBD is enhancing that in an interesting way–funny that this pill is meant for promoting sleep, but I use it once sometimes for my day, and its been a very focused high for me so far. Edibles also last at least twice as long as effects on a vape/smoke…gummies can get pricey unless you can find big batches. That's where gel pills come in. Usually good value since there are normally 30 pills in a standard bottle, which lasts me about 2 months since I switch between that and Vaping.

    I found I really had to do trial and error with vapes. They are concentrates after all! So strong. But learning to handle high THC from a vape can really maximize its potential to treat symptoms of ADHD, and even depression pretty well, I find.


    I live in Vancouver, BC where cannabis has been fully legalized for many years now. Though psychedelics are not technically legal here, there IS a mushroom dispensary openly operating here, with a 2nd location opening as of a few weeks ago. I've experimented with a microdose regiment of shrooms with my cannabis, and have had pretty great results. I'm planning to test this combination again for at least 2 weeks.

    Good luck on your journey!

  5. For people with ADHD, I am sorry to break it to you but treating your ADHD with Cannabis would be one of the worst decisions you will be making.

    Temporarily it might work out really well you might feel amazing but it is at the end of the day will be negatively impacting your already impaired Executive Functions.

  6. i dont think its really good idea becoz sure weed makes ur brain release more dopamine but at same time there are other neurotransmitters which adhd brain lack and can only be fulfilled with meds
    please get assessment from a doctor

    one more thing about weed is surely takes away ur anxiety away but it gives back rebound anxiety check it out about it

  7. I was recently diagnosed with ADHD combined type and have been hesitant to start Adderall due to the national shortage. My local pharmacist even recommended that I wait to start until the shortage is resolved. So definitely looking for alternatives in the short term. Thank you for sharing your experience!

  8. I was soooo hoping you would tell your favorite strain as a starting place for me. THIS MONTH Cannabis became legal for everyone. I am starting to experiment with different strains. Trying my second one today. Wish me luck.

  9. I regularly look Up Cannabis + ADHD related videos in YouTube, and yours was new to me.

    I'm a 26 year old German and have the rare luck to have a script,.so i am legal.
    It's so sad that my parents and my older doctor don't understand english. Because many videos (yours delivered new Insights aswell) explain my problems and the Cannabis induced, positive effects on it so well, i could never be able to bring across the topic in so well.
    And various real-life examples the creators tell about, could bring the Dr. + parents my life and inner thought process much closer and make it more understandable.
    Since when i say it, they often only hear me talking about "drugs and weed", which is the total opposite of what i try to explain.

  10. Found your channel today from a random DIY page that reposted one of your renovation TikToks, and I'm loving your content! 😊 Sending love from Michigan! Stay lifted! 💜🔥💨

  11. Yes! I started using cannabis 2.5 years ago after a breakup. I started because it's legal here and I thought it would be pleasurable. I have 2 kids and use this extremely safely and with much though and care. After a short amount of time I realized that it was helping me focus and making it easier for me to overcome that inhibiting inward pull preventing me for accomplishing tasks. I am afraid of the illinois dispensaries that monitor your visits so I had been purchasing locally from a coworker. I have no clue what strains or types I have gotten but I can attest that some work and some do not. Some strains make my symptoms worse.

    I'm glad that I found tour video because there is limited resources on the subject of treating the adhd symptoms with cannabis.

    In a future video, I would love to hear you expand more on the effects of different strains and types.


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