1. About that public intoxication….

    Lets hypothetically say a person, say “Jim” is super intoxicated, like over the legal

    But Jim is chill.

    Like this chillest out of everybody at the party, not startin a damn thing.

    Should Jim be charged via the letter of the law with crime?

    “Public intoxication”?

  2. Its Bull shit that its easier to get weed when its legal, i live in the UK and right now i could go out and get cannabis in like 10 mins, i wouldn't be able to get alcohol for at least a couple day's

  3. Alcohol is lethal and makes people more agressive and has no medical benefits. Cannibas is Not Lethal. Makes People less Agressive and less violent, and DOES have medical benefits!!!! I’d say it’s pretty obvious it should be legal for adults over 21… Here’s another thing with pot illegal it was easier for me to get weed in high school than it was beer!!! So that arguments bs too.

  4. The government and the people are over-analyzing Marijuana way too much. If they tax it just like alcohol it would work. As well as, taxing for dispensaries for medical purposes. This older lady out here killin' it tho! I love her!

  5. I was getting liquor when I was 14. Wasn’t even able to get weed till I was 16. Only reason I even smoked was because I was drinking and wanted something stronger. Now I just smoked weed. Last time I got really drunk was 5 years ago. These pieces of shit just want $$$ they want it illegal

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