Grasshoppers are the least of your problems. Yes in higher numbers but, a very unlikely culprit. Spider mites and thrips are the most dangerous culprits in your cannabis garden and the hardest to kill. They are hard to spot or even see at all for that matter. What is easier to see is the damage they cause. Thrips and spider mites both such the leaves cells dry on the top surface of the leaves. The only difference is thrips eat and poop where they feed. So their damage to the leaves. Will look like tiny black specks of mold all over the leaves front surface. Under closer inspection when this appearance doesn't just wipe off. You have thrips and you can only spot them with a jewelers loupe or scope. Spider mites feed in the same way,although their damage will look like tiny white specks of mold or powdery mildew. But these specks will not wipe off. With a closer look under the leaves surface where they lay their eggs. You can find new borns and webbing. The thrips can be killed with chemical poisoning, but the spider mite can not. Infact you could empty can after can of chemical sprays until you suffocate, but the spider mite will keep on living. You can however mix up a insecticidal soap with some alcohol 91% or alternatively. Buy Green cleaner which is virtually the same thing and very expensive. Neem oil will work on thrips on the plants themselves. But the thrips lay their eggs in the soil. Predatory soil mites come in handy for this. Whatever your choice or killing method. You will want to rinse the leaves top to bottom 24hrs after each application. You should apply your killing method now and again in two weeks. The full life cycle of each tiny culprit is two weeks. This will ensure you kill everything.
If u got a bug problem an the plants aren't flowering yet then spray them with water an red pepper one tablespoon per 8oz of water then rise with water after two or three days
Telling people to encourage birds in their growing area is the dumbest idea for Pest Control I've ever heard because Birds no matter how many grasshoppers they eat, they bring in russet mites, broad mites and spider mites along with fungal spores on their feet and poop. You are literally asking nature to throw all sorts of random s*** at you when you invite Birds into your grow. Highly counterintuitive advice for controlling grasshoppers. What you mean to suggest is that they get some chickens. Not birdhouses, a chicken coop. Ffs
Why mention the UK? Cannabis and growing cannabis is illegal in the UK and You know that as you’re ENGLISH? Uploads are too short would love more info?
Yeah let’s put bird shit all over our plants know
Neem oil won’t work for heavy infestations
Terrible video, never use Neem oil on your plants unless you want to get sick and birds will eat buds too.
Neem oil is highly toxic if smoked bad idea I recommend Purcrop1
In Africa my plants created a perfect environment for praying mantises with kept all the other bugs in check
Love it

We want full legalization of marijuana straight across the board.
Nice I hope I can learn alot from you guys
Grasshoppers are the least of your problems. Yes in higher numbers but, a very unlikely culprit. Spider mites and thrips are the most dangerous culprits in your cannabis garden and the hardest to kill. They are hard to spot or even see at all for that matter. What is easier to see is the damage they cause.
Thrips and spider mites both such the leaves cells dry on the top surface of the leaves. The only difference is thrips eat and poop where they feed. So their damage to the leaves. Will look like tiny black specks of mold all over the leaves front surface. Under closer inspection when this appearance doesn't just wipe off. You have thrips and you can only spot them with a jewelers loupe or scope.
Spider mites feed in the same way,although their damage will look like tiny white specks of mold or powdery mildew. But these specks will not wipe off. With a closer look under the leaves surface where they lay their eggs. You can find new borns and webbing.
The thrips can be killed with chemical poisoning, but the spider mite can not. Infact you could empty can after can of chemical sprays until you suffocate, but the spider mite will keep on living. You can however mix up a insecticidal soap with some alcohol 91% or alternatively. Buy Green cleaner which is virtually the same thing and very expensive. Neem oil will work on thrips on the plants themselves. But the thrips lay their eggs in the soil. Predatory soil mites come in handy for this.
Whatever your choice or killing method. You will want to rinse the leaves top to bottom 24hrs after each application. You should apply your killing method now and again in two weeks. The full life cycle of each tiny culprit is two weeks. This will ensure you kill everything.
I use diatomaceous earth around my seedlings to protect against isopods….rollie pollies
So I have to hire a ninja to live around my plants and slash away grasshoppers?
I might get a pet grass hopper now, get a buddy
Any advice for not flowering yet?
Neem is under extinction troubles and is better to use Yucca Extract
If u got a bug problem an the plants aren't flowering yet then spray them with water an red pepper one tablespoon per 8oz of water then rise with water after two or three days
Thing is I keep chickens. And I feed cannabis leaf to them. Pretty sure I won't have a harvest
Telling people to encourage birds in their growing area is the dumbest idea for Pest Control I've ever heard because Birds no matter how many grasshoppers they eat, they bring in russet mites, broad mites and spider mites along with fungal spores on their feet and poop. You are literally asking nature to throw all sorts of random s*** at you when you invite Birds into your grow. Highly counterintuitive advice for controlling grasshoppers.
What you mean to suggest is that they get some chickens. Not birdhouses, a chicken coop. Ffs
That doesn't cover spider mites mate
Why mention the UK? Cannabis and growing cannabis is illegal in the UK and You know that as you’re ENGLISH? Uploads are too short would love more info?
I have a 12 gauge and no grasshopper problem!
Any advice about slugs or snails
? I just found your channel. Thanks for all the advice. 