1. I have a couple of blue pipes, they are made of a carbon fiber and graphite. They are great pipes. Dr Grabow also made colored dooks back in the 60's and 70's but they were painted briar wood. In the 80's a Hungarian company made some pipes out of rosewood that they would paint different colors.

  2. I have smoked a pipe since 1975 off and on. I smoke only pipes now, I have friends that live in a constant state of depression and stress. They take pharmaceutical drugs to control those issues. I have one friend that asked me, you dont ever seemed stressed, what is your secret. I very bluntly told him I spoke a pipe and that is what relaxes me. He just laughed and said I was NUTS!!!!! 2 years later, I ran into him and he told me that he was off all antidepressant medications. I asked him what his secret was? He replied I smoke a pipe.

  3. What a fine conversation this has been! I do believe we pipe smokers are a quiet, yet prodigious, group. When people discover that I'm a pipe practitioner, I receive many more compliments, positive inquiries, and approbations than condemnations. Let's keep the soft flame of pipe smoking alighted!

  4. Regarding the history of the anti-smoking movement in the West, I can wholeheartedly recommend the excellent book on the subject "Velvet Glove, Iron Fist: A History of Anti-smoking" by Christopher Snowdon.

  5. I have the notes from a lecture Henri P. Gaboriau M.D. did on pipe and cigar smoking off the Seattle Pipe Club website awhile back. Briefly, the risk index number for non-smokers is 1.0. Those pipe smokers who smoke 1-2 bowls per week rated 1.05, virtually the same. The study looked at 22 articles, 21,520 smokers studied from 1969-1993.

  6. Also, St Michael's Holiday is a fabulous name. Here in the UK we've succumb to the fear of the cult of the body and I think it's about time we go back to the fear of the Lord. Anyway, off the soap box and time to incense my temple.

  7. 32:30He’s talking about Lane 1-Q or Lane Limited 1-Q. Black cavendish and Virginia. If you go into a shop that sells tobacco, it will be sold under a different name and the pipe shop will tell you that it’s their best selling blend.

  8. I never had a complaint from anyone anywhere while smoking my pipe. But I had a good number of people offended and say nasty things to me for not wearing a mask while walking my dog, pumping gas or going to the store during the lockdowns in California and Texas.

  9. The professional version of captain black he was referring to is lane 1q. Most b&m stores will carry it and call it by a different name. Love this interview but I must admit it was a bit disappointing that he's so knowledgeable about pipe smoking then says his favorite blends are essentially cherry aromatic 😆 🤣 😂 it's all love though. God bless you

  10. Puritan aspects proliferated in appalachia remoteness but a rejoinder by anti religious secularism in coastal liberal communities or as my mom would have said these are feel good churches

  11. Loved this discussion, and I do enjoy Captain Black at times especially since that's what my grandfather smoked. I plan on finding Ash & Ember website as I have to try his Saint Michaels

  12. i do not understand anyone would be avoiding something that they do, and would not show that in front of others. sad, life to have to hide who a person is. i am an open book. just do not talk about sex, that is personal.

  13. Just realized from Jimmy's channel that I wasn’t subscribed.. First saw you on Pints! I'm a piper myself, a big fan of Virginias, and a Catholic. Nice to have you in the Church!

  14. Good video and enjoying each of them. I do have a rookie question though. I'm in week three and just received my third order. Most of it is for building up my stock to age. But one I just received is a 16 oz crumble cake. I cut it into squares to fit inside a quart size jar, so that I can remove a square from time to time. And now I see people saying less air is best. But what do I do with squares of crumble cake, going into canning jars…or, once the vacuum seal pouch is cut? Do I crumble them first and then fill the jars? Or do I just not worry about it so long as the lids are tightly sealed?

  15. I love all your videos and think of you highly. But, I sure would rather seen you come to the reformed faith. I really don’t like to talk religion but Catholic? I know you must do what you are pulled to but the RCC is full of serious concerns. I bid you the best.

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