The #1 Cause Of Obesity, Diabetes & Illness Nobody Talks About | Robert Kennedy Jr & Mark Hyman

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  1. I'm finding this late, but sing it!! Some people, who maybe have not been following this guy, want to understand what corporate and regulatory agency capture looks like, through examplles like these. AND how Bobby's understanding of this will pull his success from the court room to the white house. I really like how he explained that here. I really think that pulls people in, who might otherwise be struggling to make those connections.

  2. The #1 Cause Of Obesity, Diabetes & Illness Nobody Talks About – processed food and drinks and fake oils only thing that has been added to the American diet in the last 100 years !

  3. Not EVERYONE is sick and obese. These generalized titles are stupid. There’s more and more who know better than to follow mainstream propaganda and the sick care system, SAD diet, and work at having wellthier lives. I recommend Wise Traditions/The Weston A Price Foundation and Nourishing Traditions as valuable resources of information.

  4. I've seen first hand how diet and supplements can effect mental health. I suffered tremendously for 40yrs. Changed my diet, added specific supplements bc I was trying to fix physical symptoms that had physical symptoms got 80% better but my mental health near 100%! I've never been more stable in my life, I never inagined my mind could be so peaceful. I don't even get the seasonal depression anymore.

  5. It's the change of our microbiomes that has us craving these horrible foods/drinks. I cannot stand the stuff I used to eat anymore. I also happen to love healthy foods, broccoli is so yummy. Your taste should change as you change your microbiome bc it's those gut bugs that send the signals to your brain that determine what you will crave what your gut bugs want to eat.

  6. Every time we see a small airplane creating a white hashtag in the sky or going back and forth spraying chemtrails we video tape it because people from Europe has started videotaping and sharing we are doing that too

  7. There is a reason diabetes, insulin resistance, Alzheimer's disease(AKA diabetes 3), cardiovascular diseases, obesity, non-alcoholic liver disease, inflammation have skyrocketed. Corn syrup and other sugars are in almost everything (commercial foods). We have been turned into sugar addicts. Take a 15 to 30 day no sugar challenge. RFK Jr. and Dr. Hyman are right. Excellent video.

  8. His stance on and involvement in health and the environment is exactly why I will be voting for him, and why I was so excited and filled w hope when he announced he was running! I want my grandchildren to have a chance.

  9. I really hope RFK doesn’t stop his crusade to spread truth/data. People have their heads in the sand! They’re choosing easy over healthy. There is a documentary called Magic Pill. In it a Dad was trying to move the family to a clean diet for the benefit mostly of his daughter with autism. For 3 days she wouldn’t eat, had fits, begged for goldfish and other familiar foods. After 3 days she started eating, just gobbling down the clean food. After a short time, she was making eye contact and after a month or more she started talking. But they saw progress almost immediately.

  10. My child has a peanut and legume allergy when no one on either side of our family has had such allergies, we know it’s not genetic and been caused. My other child’s eye turns inward and he had a negative reaction to a vaccine as a baby. I’m not anti vaccine but I think we need to evaluate and improve the way we vaccinate. Between the toxic substances in our foods, environment and improperly administered vaccines, we’ve done alot of harm to our children. It saddens me and I hope to see improvements in the future.

  11. I don't agree with RFK on many issues, but 100% aligned on this one. The U.S. is a sick nation and until we get physically and mentally strong as a people, I don't see us making headway on many other issues. It's sad really.

  12. Stress is also a factor in health outcomes and with the proliferation of guns in civilian society no one can feel safe anymore. One recent incident proved it without a doubt — a 60 year old man was shot dead by a 13 year old on a community bus when the man politely asked the boy to move his legs that were blocking the aisle so the man could get to a seat.

  13. And nobody is willing the 10th power to do anything about all the sugar and sodium that’s added to our foods. It’s ridiculous. Other countries refuse our food the way it is in places like Kraft will change the recipe for other countries. Our country where this crap is processed they keep feeding us the garbage.

  14. I cannot stand listening to this man. Are you really getting information from this man, I can't believe it.😢. The Democrat party and R FK are partnering with food producers to keep us sick. This is the way it's always been , and that's what he's trying to do, not to reveal that he's going to help you , but to prove to you that he's going to make you sick for the rest of your life. Here's the truth: PLANTS ARE TRYING TO KILL YOU! Simply put our food supplie is corrupted. Eat meat! Go full CARNIVORE and watch your health return like you've never seen it. Be the healthiest person you will ever be in thirty days.😊

    Doctor shawn baker
    Doctor ken berry
    Doctor anthony chaffey.
    Doctor georgia eads. Doctor chris palmer.
    Calley Means

    If you want to make sense what he's claiming , look at the doctor's channels that i've put here , makes things a lot more clear than this guy will.❤🔥💪

  15. RFK Jr. has great answers to so many of the nation's problems and is brave enough to work toward implementing those solutions. It's very frightening to see how mainstream media has been censoring him. What happened to Freedom of Speech and freedom of the press? RFK Jr. has written a number of bestselling books which also have been totally censored. What else is being kept from the American public through unchecked censorship?

  16. While I love this, I must say to Dr Hyman that as a 63 year old who grew up in rural Alabama who has a life long career in the social and medical and mental health fields, what I saw in High School was a significant amount of depression, anxiety, aggression, ADD and other undiagnosed conditions.
    When we label people and behaviours, we create diagnosis's, which leads to making "treatments" for these diagnoses.
    My point is that social environmental conditions are significant, then adding in unhealthy ecosystems and foods, this accounts for the great increase today.

  17. I wish they would give a shout out to Donald Rumsfeld for pushing through Aspertaine and Yoplait yogurt which sponsors women cancer while feeding the customers allegedly toxic food.

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