1. No 5-meo-DMT? 😢 it’s considered to be the most powerful psychedelic/Entheogen medicine. Comes from the bufo alvarius or Sonoran desert toad but can also be lab produced. It’s a one of a kind, life changing experience and nothing else compares. Not even DMT comes close. It’s a fascinating medicine and a beautiful toad and so is the history of how it was discovered. Hamilton Morris has multiple episodes about 5 meo DMT on his Vice series. The entire series is about drugs and is a must watch for anyone interested in this topic

  2. MXE has been basically unavailable since 2015 when China cracked down on production. I would also emphasize how kratom can be very addictive. I spent 2 years not on planet earth with MXE and was addicted to kratom for 3 years and know the ups and downs of both extremely well, for better or for worse. Both, like with most chemicals, can be used as medicine, can be abused, and everything in between- I abused MXE probably more than most MXE users ever have and I nearly destroyed my life with it, but I believe it could be extremely powerful as a psychiatric medication- more so than ketamine. Kratom is a beautiful plant that helps millions of people, but I too have abused it more than most users- was at 100gpd plus extracts at one point- and I am in the middle of picking up the pieces of my life after hiding in my bubble and pushing life away. It too can be a powerful medicine that once again helps millions of people- although I am afraid the addiction component is becoming a major issue in the general population.

  3. Friendly reminder to try all new drugs with caution. Drug allergies and intolerances are way more common than people would think. What is fine for someone else might be dangerous for you. I’m personally intolerant to amphetamines, which I didn’t find out until I took some adderall and ending up in the hospital because my heart was going wild and I was projectile vomiting. My mom is also severely allergic to opioids, which she found out when she was dosed with morphine after a car accident and had to have her stomach pumped. Always have someone that can get you help if something goes wrong!!

  4. Hi no offence and I mean what I say in a helpful manner. Honestly this is kinda a shitty iceberg. It’s well put together from a perspective of a non drug nerd however honestly this don’t even scratch the surface. I would maybe look into the deeper side of dissociative (some are used in clinical trials to simulate parts of schizophrenia) I would also add quite a few more research Chems(in all honesty I skimmed through this so apologies in advance) pyro valerones. PCP analogs are a interesting read for sure. Idk there’s just quite a few more wierd analogs to discuss. Again great video if your not super into wierd bizarre research chems.

  5. I am a recovered addict who only smokes weed now (hence why i dont use the word sober lol). I have done a surprising amount of the things on this list. Of the things I haven't done, i know people who have, aside from things like jenkem and krokodil. What is insane to me about my own life is that I had friends who would buy drugs off the dark web from other countries. Because of this, I have done things that aren't even on this list, research chemicals from Canada, that sort of thing. I was pumping this non addictive substance known as FPM for like a month straight. My room was never so clean lol

  6. Nutmeg is actually quite poisonous too.
    Henche the vomiting.
    A single nutmeg nut is enough to fataly poison an adult human.
    So yeah… do Not play around with that thing!
    And keep it away from children.

  7. I'm always suprised how few people u derstand how addictive Nicotin is!
    Its One of The Most addictive substances.

    Luckily, it by itsself is not that damaging…
    Unlike most other similarly addictive substances.

  8. I wanted to watch this video, but the talking cadence is… Terrible. I tried, but I can listen to words being dragged at the end of every sentence in monotone.

  9. Correction:

    Modern Absinthe doesn't cause hallucinations despite popular belief.

    For that matter, good high-quality Absinthe never did.

    Back in the 1800s, however, some of the cheaper brands used to be aged in metal barrels instead of wood. Certain metallic ions would seep into the Absinthe, making it hallucinogenic when it otherwise wouldn't be.

  10. How is heroin not tier 1? Its extremely common. People have known about it for centuries. Its one of the first things people think of when you say "drugs" either before or after marijuana.
    Icebergs are generally based on how known something is. So is this based on addiction? Clearly not as nicotine would be with heroin. What is the paradigm for this iceberg? Legal accessibility? Intensity of effects? Potential for fatality? Its unclear.

  11. As someone who lives in a state where substances are completely decriminalized I’ve had access to most everything on the list. I don’t endorse substance use across the board but it has given me the perspective of understanding that a lot of the more socially acceptable substances (scrip and alcohol) are some of the most deadly.

    Avoid causal use of psyches and never mix anything with alcohol you don’t fully understand or have experiences with

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