Delta 9 THC from HEMP?! | Canna River | THC : CBD Gummies Review

Welcome back to another educational cannabis adventure! This video was filmed in a legal state and is intended for viewing by …


  1. I suspect the issue here is that your tolerance might be insanely high, because (at least in theory) the receptors in your body should respond identically to delta 9 regardless of its source.

  2. I accidentally took some Gummi from my best friend. They are in a official bag. I've never taken any drugs in my life. Only perceptions. I got high, went on a trip. D9 from maryjane.if that's cool getting stoned, then I don't want any part of it

  3. I got some hemp delta nine today and got completely baked. Too stoned. I’m an old with no idea how to buy pot or use it, my husband did that. So this great for a huge chunk of the population , it’s legal with no fentanyl lacing to kill you. Also, red states, where I live this is what we’ve got.

  4. As for a tolerance, I had to eat 4 delta 9 gummies to get good and baked. Not sure how many you ate, but any delta 9 product containing CBD will ruin the psychoactive effects of the THC. A THC product does Not need CBD added to it and that's something some of these hemp companies don't get. some do, some don't. I made sure the delta 9's I got had only delta 9 as the active ingredient and nothing else. I have to eat 4 ten milligrams gummies, but they do get me baked. I like Hemp Bombs Plus. brand gummies

  5. I think the opposite.. I mean I used to eat so many gummies in Cali and certain brands here in TX are good.
    Problem is, some are way under dosed.
    The stores that are actual cbd stores that sell their own d9 gummies are way stronger than brand ones

  6. I've had trouble with delta 8 edibles Here and there xD Started off with Moonwalkers, Either the high was super potent or it was a miss. Ive done reefers bay Gummies and their candy Isn't just delicious But potent. Recently I tried a nerds rope from Cannaclear and it was potent and delicious

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