Fool-Proof Method to Know When to Feed Nutrients to Cannabis Plant for More Flowerss

John from has special guest, Josh from the Boogie Brew Compost tea company share his …


  1. This is exactly what I needed. I've got autos in flower now that are starting to show some yellowing and cal mag spots. I don't know if it's deficiency or toxicity. I'm hoping that checking the run off ppm and ph will give me a little more info and tell me what I need to do

  2. Thanks i am using a trunchion to standarize my soil(s) for nutrient and soil biology health. Get rid of 5 minute stream of consciousness introductions it is boring after 30 seconds. Wash the pen with distilled water, wipe with paper towel between each test. Container soil gardens you need to test each container.

  3. what the fuck lol these guys usually have good videos when do you ever water organic plants to run off? oh right i forgot never. theres no run off in outdoor lol like what the hell was this josh just suckin off master mark the whole video he can be real screw bag cunt at times. wasted my time with this one. claims 14 years he used this thing but hes figuring it out as he goes? and nothing matters in organic cuz nothings accurate anyway. so confusing, redundant and useless anyway thanks for boogies brew.

  4. Sorry but everything is chemicals rather it’s organically derived or otherwise.

    Always plants only adsorb nutrients at certain ionic form. Don’t matter if it’s organic or synthetic the ion is the same .

  5. these guys are wrong. just because the levels are low does not mean that it is time to feed your plants. all it means is that your plant took in the nutrients it needed. just because you finish you plate of food does not mean that you must be hungry and should feed yourself again. that's how you get fat and cause health problems. same theory for plants as any botanist will tell you.

  6. I bought the comercial version of this is has a a biger range to mesure really high nutirent soils like for pumpkins. it was a $120 but the fact that I can let my family use it for their gardens to makes it really not that expensive

  7. I have this blue lab magic stik…last couple years…no calibration necessary..changed batteries fantastic..have box of pens all shit…this blue lab magicstik is #1

  8. I have some genuine constructive criticism.
    Will you please 🙏 please allow your guests to TALK, FINISH THEIR SENTENCES & THOUGHTS!
    I really love your content, but I absolutely hate your interruptions and cross-talk of your guests.

  9. I need help rn!! I don’t know whether to feed my girls that I just flipped into Bloom. I’ve only fed months before with once b4 Organic Stonington plant food. I don’t know if I should add more of that or the fish bone meal amendment

  10. please do another episode with a real test of ocean forest soil, i'm curious because I always take my FFOF bag and dilute it with about 30% coco/perlite mix and I still get the darkest and most vibrant vegetative growth. I really am trying to figure out how to re-ammend the soil for re use. I've been cycling it from indoor grow, outdoor grow, then into my compost bin, then into my veggie garden.

  11. quick reminder, if measuring your runoff on pots that are sitting in a grow tent, don't measure it from the collection dish because there is lots of salts residue hanging out in that dish that will throw off your reading. Clean the dish or get a pure runoff that is un contaminated.

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