1. I've been smokin weed for 15 years everyday now and I must say my rem is just fine. I can remember my dreams the other day with ease, maybe cuz I have an high tolerance…
    I do remember my younger days when I was baked out of my mind I wont remember anything the other day.

    Edit: Especially in the morning my dreams are the most intense

  2. I suffer from insomnia and other debilitating sleep issues that have plagued me my whole life. My mother actually sent me to afternoon preschool because my circadian rhythm was so severely delayed. School sucked. I never adjusted. Then in my fist year of college I took all night classes, and suddenly became a straight A student. I would normally sleep from 3 am to about noon and felt great. But the rest of the world doesnā€™t work that way. Then as I got older, things got worse I could no longer sleep in and my sleep was very fragmented ( wake up after 3 hours then twiddle my thumbs for a couple hours then sleep another 3 hours) then medical pot became legal in CA, and it was like a miracle cure. Would imbibe in the evening and had gummies or vape available if I woke up in the middle of the night. I would get 8 hours of sleep! But yes, my rem sleep was impacted. It was still better to get enough sleep instead of the horrible insomnia/ fragmented sleep. But then! I devolved a horrible condition called CHS. Look it up. It sucks! So I had to give up cannabis and now Iā€™m a wreck. The rebound effect was awful and now Iā€™m taking prescription sleep meds as well as anything over the counter I can find (melatonin/ valerian root etc) unfortunately these meds can also effect sleep quality and I donā€™t get enough (5 to six hours of fragmented sleep) many doctors are unsympathetic and I am really struggling. Anyway I enjoyed your article. Please check out CHS ā€œCannabinoid hyperemesis syndromeā€ and do a video about that condition, itā€™s apparently related to your genetic makeup, and many chronic users will never develop it, but ā€œlucky meā€ I am basically unable to use cannabis long term. Iā€™m suspecting my insomnia has a genetic root and am hoping to find the magic combination of supplements that will get me back on track (and yes, I eat a healthy diet, get regular exercise, avoid caffeine late in the day etc) itā€™s a real bummer that I canā€™t use pot for sleep anymore.

  3. I sleep well regardless, but I find when I was an every night weed smoker I'd dream less and have a hard time getting up in the morning.
    When I've taken alot of breaks not smoking for weeks or months I always found my dreams will be super Lucid and can wake me up, but I wake up better and am more alert. I also have a small stutter and I found smoking weed made it worse than when I take breaks, friends have said I'm more sharp and alert.

  4. I just stopped consuming cannabis after being a daily user for years and I can say that a lot of what you said is exactly what Iā€™ve been experiencing. I had anxiety/depression issues and motivational issues as well. I havenā€™t been using for over three weeks now and although I have had issues with sleeping when I do sleep I feel significantly more rested and yes Iā€™m having long and vivid dreams. My overall energy has increased as well. Of course this is my anecdotal relationship with cannabis and I know it helps a lot of people. My issue boiled down to the fact that I was simply using it too much. I do plan on going back to consuming again but far less frequent.

  5. Almost my whole life Iā€™ve had issues falling asleep and staying asleep which seems to have just gotten worse as Iā€™ve gotten older. Edibles seem to be the only thing that helps shut of my brain enough to fall asleep. Iā€™ve tried SSRIs with little success, melatonin causes RLS, Benadryl and other antihistamines build tolerances quickly and can be dangerous, also causes RLS at night.

  6. I'm a sleep technologist… I actually had to send a patient home and cancel an MSLT narcolepsy study because she smoked week and it may delay onset of REM and could give a false negative diagnosis of narcolepsy

  7. Personally, I don't know how I survived so long with insomnia when the other medicines I tried didn't work, or caused adverse side effects. I was so bad that I started having light hallucinations from sleep deprivation. I wasn't even looking towards weed as a solution, but my friend had a joint so I took a few hits. Aside from enjoying the effects, I slept for the first time in almost 2 days.

    I realized that when I smoked a lot of weed, sleep would be less resting, but when I limited myself, I could still get some good REM . A lot of what was causing my insomnia was that my dreams are way too vivid. Which means when I have a bad dream, it's hyper realistic. I don't know if I would be here if I didn't smoke weed.

  8. i found myself in best balance by smoking weed over the weekend, 1-4 joints per evening, depening on how i feel, and the rest of the week im off from it, makes me overally sleep better, also during the weekdays
    Funnily i also discovered that i get the best withdrawal dreams after 4 days, when i previously only smoked like 2-3 grams per weekend, unlike when i heavly smoked for a month, i didnt get to dream anything until after 3 weeks, when a "normal" dream occured.
    And these weed withdrawal dreams also help me with realising things, they are like an weaker lsd revelation trip to me

  9. I find my mind wanders dreamlike (sometimes lucid) before and after I fall asleep. I also do dream, I just can' recall them if I don't make a concentrated effort. I question also the balance of THC/CDB in the weed studies, along with the variety. If you're using Stevia strain your not likely to get a good sleep where Indica…"in da couch" is more appropriate for sleep. Edibles are also more potent than vape/smoke for me.

  10. I never understood why people talk about cannabis for sleep because I always sleep SO POORLY when I have cannabis (or alcohol) and feel bad the next day. I figured out lithium orotate is the best for me in terms of quieting anxious spinning thoughts.

  11. I think something that is overlooked in this video is that the speaker is referring to THC, by itself. I do agree with all of the stated pros and cons. However, I believe that there is a more complex story when talking about full spectrum cannabis effects on sleep quality, as you're getting THC, CBD, and other chemicals from the flower.

  12. I am a bad sleeper, with a lot of dreams, since i was a child. Weed helps me to sleep, without dreaming non stop, so i can get more and better sleep, but the weed hangover at the next day negate that.

  13. According to my personal experience this video is spot on. It can help you sleep sometimes if you take it ocasionally, but it can also make you feel to high and excited to sleep, depending on the strain, mental state and situation (aka set and setting), it reduces dreams… it has pros and cons but in general is better not to use it, unless for medical reasons… I use it everyday becasue it makes everything feel better under its influence, to me, it improves all experiences… but we should no lie to ourselves and beleive it is harmless. According to research is not as bad as alcohol or tobacco, but it is not always healthy, it depends on how you use it and why

  14. After 13 years of daily use for chronic, incurable diseases, I found that I sleep better and longer than without. I have an appetite as well. Maybe it's not for everyone, but I am living a better life than without it. Most medical patients agree.

  15. Very interesting video, may I point out. Not all cannabis strains are the same and some I've noticed have no or hardly any tolerance levels. It's just finding the rights one or one's for you, try not to smoke anything with Haze in it. And heavy indicas for bed time! All the best

  16. smoking lowkey makes it harder for me to fall asleep. im def more relaxed but my brain is still up i think and your breathing isnt the same either. plus like no dreams.

  17. as a general rule, I stop smoking 3h before I want to be asleep. Paired with some sublingual CBD oil (~34mg) and 10mg of melatonin, I've noticed a huge resurgence in my dreams and an increase in their vividity! The dreams are more addictive than the weed these days šŸ˜‰

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