Sorry, AMD Sucks

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  1. I love my 7900xtx have two of the same computer only dif is one is 7900xtx and one is a 4090, I gave the 4090 one to my friend we play the same games, and have no issues on either side.

  2. RX580 over Linux will continue to get subtle improvements over time
    But the open source stack is locked out of pre-Turing, 1000 series Nvidia cards will die together with Nvidia's last plug :/

  3. i went with 7800xt its pretty nice coming from a 1080 but the amd software kind of sucks ass cant reliably use custom resolutions its so buggy when 21:9 custom resolutions and the fluid motion frames is a hit or miss its great when it works but sometimes i need to restart the pc when its acting up 😐

  4. The issue is that the ONLY worthwhile AMD GPU this generation was the 7800XT. That's it. The rest was totally OVERPRICED: and people remember it: instead of attacking through competitive pricing, they rather do charge too much, then go back on price a few weeks later because no one buys it. The only card they priced right was the 7800XT. And now what card sells the best for AMD: the 7800XT: Dear Lisa Su: YOU AREN'T NVIDIA; PRICE THE STUFF CORRECTLY THE FIRST TIME TO SELL STUFF.
    If amd prices all cards ONE TIME CORRECTLY, they would have a blast. Heck, the 7800XT went UP in price because so many people bought it: so get your s*** together and PRICE CORRECTLY.

  5. I had an RX 5700 XT and I used AMD cards and a lot ATI cards back then but I had the money and wanted some high end GPU and a year ago I upgraded to a RTX 4080, I’m not from the US and even the country where I live there is no Euro so I don’t know how much I spent but it was a deal because someone opened the card sent back and I grabbed it with 15% discount. It is a brutally strong GPU and I have an 1440p monitor I can play everything with Ray Tracing. I know it will age but I will keep it for 3 years and I hope AMD will innovate something they used to had great cards like the ATI 9800 Pro, X800 pro, X1950XTX, HD4870 etc those were great choice.

  6. I upgraded last year from 1060 6gb to a 7700xt. I only miss the cuda support, rocm support is still very limited, amd really needs to step up their game to become more competive in the machine learning.

  7. i think part of amds problem is the architectural performance of rdna 3 isnt as good as nvidias ada lovelace, especially when it comes to ray tracing titles. That combined with lack of compatibility for amds upscaler on some games like portal rtx or minecraft bedrock and being developed half life with rtx kinda makes people go for nvidia. That said i dont think thats the full story, i upgraded from a rx 580 to a used 3080 i got for 400 dollars on ebay and im kind of enjoying messing with the ray tracing, if amd gets that stuff sorted out at a competitive price then ill switch back to amd cause i hate how greedy nvidia is.

  8. All I'm hearing is that you didn't invest into AI and now you're bitter sweet you missed out on super large gains.

    You praise green team, you've got money, how much did you invest into Nvidia stock? 0$ true true true true true….

  9. Makes complete sense that people arent buying AMD junk. They have old tech and a lackluster feature set , People want new cutting edge tech and software features. Hope fully AMD sticks to lower end cards in the future and stops pretending to be a competitor in the high end

  10. I have the 7900xtx and love it. Screw Nvidia or should i say apple. All the fake frames they can keep and a 4080 cant do ray tracing only a $2,000 4090 can do it. Im coming from a 3080ti and am so glad i went with amd

  11. Had AMD lower their prices and really undercut the RTX4000 series, it would've sold well but they got greedy. If the 7800xt was at $400 it could've killed the 4070 and 4070s. They really never miss and opportunity to miss an opportunity.

  12. i have the coffee. I can't find any of my coffee makers 😀 I have a coffee press -somewhere. I also have two braun coffee makers from the 90's – and I can;t find all the parts for either, or form voltron between the two. I'm just going to get a pour over filter thing and be done with it 😀 As for video cards, I have bought exactly 1 Nvidia card in the last 15 years, since I got a very expensive (for me) GPU from them that the solder failed on. I bought a 3070. it's OK. Much love for my 7900XTX 🙂

  13. I agree about AMD video cards. I'm one who switched, from for 3080 to the 7950 XFX vs going to a 4080 and I'm super happy. My Monitor is an ultra-wide 3440×1440. The last 10+ years of video cards have been Nvidia for me. Saying that, my video cards never die, they migrate from my PC to the media center PC, to my son's PC and finally my wife's PC. So I have 1 of 4 video cards in my house as team red right now.

  14. I have a 5900X with a 6800 in my desktop. I wanted to buy that 7900m laptop GPU version. I just didn't want Alienware. I waited months, and I looked at all the other manufacturers. there was no word no information nothing. there's no 7800 m and it was so hard to find any laptop with the AMD last gen GPU that wasn't overpriced. I couldn't wait anymore I purchased 7840 HS with the 4070. and what I saw at Best buy while looking for alternative AMD laptops. nearly everything in the pre-builts and everything in the laptops was Nvidia. I don't think it's that it's the people who are not buying it. it's the companies who have it on offer for the people who don't build their own and don't know much about computers.

  15. I feel like AMD doesn't really do what people ask them to. People have wanted a full size desktop gaming APU for ages now. The changes made to the strix point APU already are putting me off as not as much of an upgrade as they where supposed to be (reducing CUs from 20-16). I know its all easier said then done but they are close on a lot of item they sell but not really making anything I want to leap out of my seat and purchase. I have my 6800u handheld but the 7840u and 8840u are not even tempting to purchase. And outside of benchmarks looking at gaming the 7640u at a much cheaper price seams to score pretty close (within a few frames) of the 7840u.

  16. You talked a bit about driver support going away. But does it really matter that much ? Cuz I guess they aren't doing much to improve or change things for cards that old so why does it matter if it's cut completely ?

  17. The thing is stats don't always tell the whole story, AMD is doing fine, it takes time to establish a foothold, AMD has just started to try to compete at RDNA 1, that was only 4 few years ago, which was right when the pandemic hit.

  18. I really like the rx 7800xt but I just can't justify the cost (mainly because i cant afford it 😂) of the 7000 series, so I am looking for deals on the 6000 series. A 6750xt or 6800, for example

  19. I think it's a combination of factors. The last gen series offering a lot of value and the recent development in generative AI which is mostly CUDA favoured.

  20. GF4 MX400, GFFX 5200, GFFX 5900XT, GF 7950GT 2 in Sli, GF 9800GTX, GTX285 2 in Sli, GF GTX570, GF GTX 780, GF GTX1060, GF GTX1080Ti. Next card 3080,3080Ti,or 4070Super. Owned 1 Radeon a 9700Pro and it gave me so many problems I swore off owning 1 for a long time. Every friend that I know that has bought a Radeon card has had more problems than anyone I know that has NV. Only 1 friend has stuck With Ati/AMD all the rest eventually switched.

  21. We need a petition for Ghost of Tsushima to have save game transfer from PS5 to PC, scratch that all Sony games should have this, I wanna play new game plus on PC.

  22. I wish AMD would do better with VR. I'm putting together another gaming machine for a dedicated living room VR gaming PC and NVidia just overall does better–particularly with latency. I'd toss in the best AMD card that fits my case but for this specific application NV is just better.

  23. i think its just weird to only consider amd over nvidia anymore just based on rasturization, pure fps bc honestly

    its not the only factor anymore. with dlss and fsr making games more playable (not exclusive to amd), reflex and nvenc, not to mention running creator focused drivers, nvidia cards have much more options and value vs the 7000 series that still cant do ray tracing and struggles with any workload thats tensor driven, i dont see how people want to choose amd vs buying for the cheapest gaming pc

    you can still get decent resale value and have more use cases than the other

  24. Yeah, working in retail and telling pwople that they would save money and get better performance on amd (coz they only play like fortnite and cod), and hearingbback that they just want nvidia anyway probs have something to do with it.

  25. 2024 MONEY is hard

    People who had a 6000 series cards aren't jumping into the hype
    heck even the 5000 series owners are still not buying cause GAMES are just retarded lazy optimization

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