The problem with serving sizes for marijuana edibles right now

More and more states across America are continuing to legalize marijuana. Currently, one of the biggest issues regarding legal …


  1. i have never tried it before and i tried smoking and i hated so i tried a gummy it did absolutly nothing. the next day i tried 2 gummies it still did absolutly nothing and it said each gummy had 10mg thc + 5mg cbn. i don't get it. i'm a beginner they should of hit me.

  2. I take two big hits of flower and I'm fucked. Yet it takes me 15mg edibles to get high as shit. Idk I'm weird. (Edit: I know 15mg is a lot but it's more than two hits. Well they're different chemicals technically so I'll just shut up idk. I'm high.)

  3. Great point! Also, if an edible is made w/ a plant that’s 16% thc, then next week the yield is from a 31% thc plant, how can that dose be distinguished? How would the actual 10MG be figured? By size? No way jose 🤔

  4. NYS and its 10mg per serving law is ridiculous. I need atleast 100mg. I took 300mg of sativa gummies today and I cleaned, did laundry, and cooked dinner 😅. Everyone is different. Start slow if you're not experienced. I know a couple people who've sworn off edibles due to starting to high 😂 YOU are in control.

  5. Front:

    At Some Point, You Will Be the NEXT PERSON on Earth to DIE.


    Sobering thought, isn't it? You may not have realized it, but every second, two people die. What happens then? Is there a Heaven and Hell? Are you "good enough" to get to Heaven? Look at the Ten Commandments. Have you ever lied or stolen? (regardless of value) Ever looked with lust and therefore committed adultery in your heart? (see Matthew 5:28) You may see these as "no big deal" but God takes them seriously. He is Holy and said, "be Holy, for I am Holy." God sent His Son, Jesus, to live the perfect life we never could. He took God's wrath on the cross for sinners. Jesus took the punishment of His people’s sins against God, then He rose from the dead. Cry out to God for mercy, confessing and forsaking your sins. Put your trust in Jesus (rather than "good works") to save you. Read your Bible daily and obey what you read.

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