We're in a MONSTER Geomagnetic Storm RIGHT NOW! what happens next?

Kp values are getting close to reaching 9 and then they go off the scale, and the lunar eclipse peaks in seven hours (March 25th …


  1. I have had so many things break down. My car is dead my partners car stopped as well, kangaroo jumped into the side of my borrowed car, my TV stopped working. Things are crazy. I cant sleep and feel so overwhelmed.

  2. Electric power system ⚡ trouble reported on the ship, before it hit the Baltimore Bridge 💥🌉
    Geomagnetic storm, solar flares, and Moon Eclipse.
    That's not a coincidence.

    Thank you for your work !!! @StefanBurns

  3. ❤Newly discovered comet C/2023 A3 (Tsuchinshan-ATLAS) is on its way into the inner solar system and already grabbing headlines as the next possible “Daytime Comet.” Early estimates say it may outshine the brightest stars in the sky and become visible to the naked eye during daylight hours for a brief time in October …❤thank you so much Stefan!!!❤

  4. I must wonder how many more subscribers you would get if you considered the neophyte in your descriptions… stop using acronyms like Kp values, etc., I so want to understand but technical language makes it hard grasp.

  5. We have had several power flashes, yellow light followed by buzzing and electric flickering… Here in oak ridge Tennessee, the last few days, latest one this morning at 745😮 wonder if it's related

  6. Just popped up on my feed. Very intersting information, thank you. I've often wondered if these natural occurrences affect our bodies. I also wonder how they affect our planet, as the increase of technology has caused industries to dig out rare and strategically placed elements in the earth. Am I the only one who thinks this is a bad idea?

  7. I've been in my cave meditating and re-energizing so seeing this video pop up was extra exciting to see how Brother Stefan is just getting better and better with time. Lots of great info here! Been viewing earthquakes and find a few comments where people feel the strength or location is "abnormal" and seems to be a correlation with solar activity…so I can only imagine what will happen after the coming solar eclipse… Hoping Stefan will do something spectacular for the upcoming eclipse, I'm definitely staying tuned and looking forward. Blessing to all our Earth Fam!

  8. During this monster geomagnetic storm there is a full lunar eclipse. This full lunar eclipse in Libra occurs at 5° this eclipse puts emphasis on the mind and its ability to manifest abundance. This specific eclipse Point reminds us that our level of spiritual evolution and commitment to our spiritual journey inevitably determines our experience of abundance. First you have to look at your core ideals and beliefs are you living your life authentically or are you following someone else's plan? who is in charge of and what drives your decisions ? this is the most important piece because if you are not living for yourself for the personification of your own ideas you will never be able to enter into the loop of abundance and you will have to be willing to face your FEARs and live your truth that's the preliminary step to gaining access. Commitment to your spiritual journey brings abundance not so much as a reward for contemplating abundance itself but more so as a factor of resonance with a consistently High vibration of a spiritual warrior. Just remember the law of attraction if your vibration is low you will be lacking this year if your vibration is high you will have abundance this year

  9. I have NO idea about any of this but,…would this affect our local Barometric Pressure because mine should be at 30.00-30.05 and it has plunged to 29.54 and I am in tremendous physical pain and so far nothing is giving any decent relief until pressure goes back.
    I’m just asking…😊
    Also,..my little Dachshunds who normally are happy to go to sleep in their crates but kept me up ALL night with whining and fussing until I finally let them out and I moved onto sofa with them. They just were not themselves at all. 🤷🏻‍♀️🤷🏻‍♀️

  10. We live in a time we should celebrate life! This is probably the most interesting and important time for human history to be alive in. How lucky we are to witness a whole planet shift right in front of our eyes. 💥🧡💫

  11. Whoa I was just listening to your report at minute 31 when you were talking about the small dots in a square on the sun. I had a dream about that a few nights ago the same dots. In the dream I thought it was the moon. I knew it meant something but not sure what.

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