1. Mam regarding ectopic ques, ques was like this : which site of implantation will cause severe vaginal bleeding with no signs of rupture at 22 weeks of gestations. ? So ans is abdominal right?since not ruptured? Do clarify plz

  2. Maā€™am just awestruck by all your crisp explanations, loved it and yes looking forward for some conclusive evidence on VVF question too

  3. Q13: GA-35weeks/ breech / pre h/o c-section , pt wants vaginal delivery.And they asked NEXT STEP of management?
    They why can't we review after 2 weeks …and give a TRIAL OF SCAR.

  4. Amniotic fluid embolism there will be heavy bleed?
    there was specifically given heavy bleed in patient without any known history,a/c sakshi mam marrow she said there will no bleed,the patient will have respiratory failure and cardiac failure and go into shock.

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