NEUROSCIENTIST: Ugly Truth About CAFFEINE | Andrew Huberman

Neuroscientist Andrew Huberman reveals truth about caffeine and drinking coffee. Andrew Huberman tells about negative effects …


  1. He doesn't say you should stop drinking coffee but instead reduce your intake of caffeine somewehre around 400mg. I see a lot of comments that say they completely cut coffee intake. I mean, that is probably good but it would be also good if consumption is reduced.

  2. OTOH Andrew Huberman is actually recommending caffeine – in low-moderate doses as a neuro-enhancer, just not first thing in the morning, or later in the day.

  3. Caffeine puts your cortisol up. I avoid caffeine for a couple of hours in the morning when cortisol is at its highest. This is important especially for menopausal/peri menopausal women.

  4. I couldnt tell you what was my high-range day on coffee/caffeine, but it was easily over a gallon of coffee a day. When i was working from my friend's house where we had to use poland spring gallons to drink, i went through over a gallon on just coffee – then i also drink yerba mate.

  5. 🎯 Key Takeaways for quick navigation:

    00:00 ☕ Overconsumption of caffeine can lead to elevated liver enzymes, mimicking the effects of alcoholism.
    00:14 💡 Caffeine stimulates the release of adrenaline, activating the sympathetic nervous system, which can increase alertness.
    00:29 🧠 Caffeine enhances dopamine receptor sensitivity, intensifying the effects of existing dopamine in the system.
    01:11 ⏰ Caffeine inhibits adenosine, a molecule indicating fatigue. Over time, this can interfere with sleep patterns.
    01:39 🌞 Consuming caffeine 90-120 minutes after waking up can help prevent afternoon energy crashes.
    02:36 💧 Caffeine is dehydrating; thus, it's crucial to hydrate early in the day. Dehydration affects neuron firing and cognitive functions.
    03:32 📉 "Adrenal burnout" is a myth, but excessive caffeine intake can lead to feelings of being "wired and tired."
    05:08 🥤 It's possible to overconsume caffeine. Moderate intake is essential to maintain balance.
    06:05 ⚖️ Excessive caffeine/stimulant use can disrupt the balance of neurotransmitters, influencing mood, and focus.
    07:13 😴 After a night of poor sleep, one should consume less caffeine to avoid overstimulating an already dysregulated system.
    07:40 🤹 Sleep quality affects the balance of the autonomic nervous system, impacting how one responds to caffeine.

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  6. Right, right, right!
    📌I do intermittent eating 16 to 8
    📌I eat one meal a day before 7:30 PM
    📌I walk 1 hour and fifteen minutes a day in three sets w/one set using size 3-5 pound dumbbells

    …so I require bullet proof coffee…strangely, I don't put MCT oil in mine and I still get wicked good energy all day and my appetite is suppressed 16 hours; I lost 7 pounds in less than two weeks…I have always had trouble losing plateau weight.

  7. My philosophy has always been to intake less caffeine when I haven’t slept well and more when I have. People always said I was crazy for this but huberman just said that’s how you should do it

  8. I'm certain coffee is the main cause of my depression. Doctors seem reluctant to agree with me (because I only had one a day), but if I stop drinking it, the depression lifts. I seem to be able to get away with one decaf every nine days.

  9. Caffeine is addictive. A lot of people can't stop drinking because of addiction. Besides, they seem to live until 90 years old
    with no problems in my house. I like to see a study published on the claim that coffee is detrimental. My grandfather drank
    coffee and also lived to be 102 yrs.

  10. I am not addicted to caffeine at all and have no problems with quitting drinking coffee at any time. I usually only drink coffee through the fall and winter. However, I discovered that it is anti-inflammatory for me, so I continued through the summer this year. I would rather be drunk my herbal teas I usually drink, but coffee really helps my inflammation.

  11. I am calling bullshit on this video I am pretty sure this guy is only looking for views he's literally got a video on everything he's an expert on everything….get outa here

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