It's been a long long time since I smoked. And I knew alot of people from life guards to attorneys that smoked in a daily basis, but I never heard of anyone had any of the heart conditions she mentioned. In fact, I've heard the opposite.
Weed is not good for sleep, you stop dreaming and when you stop using the dreams come back, also you feel better when you stop using it for fun, that's just facts
I've been smoking bud for over 25 years played sports high still to this day I play flag football now. I use to smoke cigarettes for 15+ yrs now im 3 yrs cold turkey
Now that weed is legal all these videos are popping up about how weed is bad for you. And I bet that as soon as they hit up lead they spark a joint before they go to bed..
“Dopamine, that natural chemical in the body that makes you feel good”
It’s not about the reward it’s about the anticipation of the reward
It's been a long long time since I smoked. And I knew alot of people from life guards to attorneys that smoked in a daily basis, but I never heard of anyone had any of the heart conditions she mentioned. In fact, I've heard the opposite.
Complete Propaganda
If alcohol is legal weed should be. You cant overdose on weed but you can from alcohol.
And this is out of date.
Georgia has medical low thc for limited reason.
I wanna see a sugar segment with just as much Fact-checking.
I’ll smoke a j before I take an OTC depression med sorry
All I hear from this video is eat edibles
im just gladwe are at a place where a vifdeo like this can exist. no scare tactics. no bias. just informative.
I’m here because of Snoop Dogg.
Ms.Williams come smoke with me tonight

Stop lieyin pbs it a medicine it cures
Marijuana will not help anxiety, period.
Weed is not good for sleep, you stop dreaming and when you stop using the dreams come back, also you feel better when you stop using it for fun, that's just facts
We work our lives away for 40 to 50 years and pay taxes and yall worried about weed
In a positive way… title is deceiving
Now it’s filled chemicals
This is BS and no truth at all to it. These people saying its bad probably drink every weekend at least.
Even though I don’t smoke weed! It’s just interesting how it can effect the person body!
“…but why trust the knowledge of a brickmaker about jewels?”
Are they vaccinated? Do they workout everyday? Do they eat good and have a healthy diet?
A popular misconception is that cannabis is for everybody which is wrong. This video is very helpful
So many people are addicted to it! They need it to function on the daily all day
I've been smoking bud for over 25 years played sports high still to this day I play flag football now. I use to smoke cigarettes for 15+ yrs now im 3 yrs cold turkey
Now that weed is legal all these videos are popping up about how weed is bad for you. And I bet that as soon as they hit up lead they spark a joint before they go to bed..
I use mine for Crohn’s disease :]