1. It's been a long long time since I smoked. And I knew alot of people from life guards to attorneys that smoked in a daily basis, but I never heard of anyone had any of the heart conditions she mentioned. In fact, I've heard the opposite.

  2. Weed is not good for sleep, you stop dreaming and when you stop using the dreams come back, also you feel better when you stop using it for fun, that's just facts

  3. I've been smoking bud for over 25 years played sports high still to this day I play flag football now. I use to smoke cigarettes for 15+ yrs now im 3 yrs cold turkey

  4. Now that weed is legal all these videos are popping up about how weed is bad for you. And I bet that as soon as they hit up lead they spark a joint before they go to bed..

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